The First Domestication: A Cat Short Story

Merry Christmas everyone

It appeared almost from nowhere, approaching cautiously from outside the clearing just on the edge of his peripheral vision. It had smelt his food.

He knew he should shoo it away, as he had done with its kind before. But as he turned to look at it properly he could see that it was no threat. The wind swept a flurry of winter snow across the clearing and he saw it look around, frozen in panic for a second, before continuing to edge closer to him.

It wasn't just hungry, he realised, but cold too.

Still, there was no real use he could see for it. Nor any of its kind. He moved to dismiss it, to scare it away, but then it turned towards him and... no.

There was something about the way it looked at him with big, pleading eyes. Then it gave a a faint whimper and he knew that it wasn't just hungry, or cold, it was also lonely.

They both stood watching each other as the snow swirled around them, creating patterns in the air. Then he sighed and nudged a piece of his food in its direction.

Emboldened, it approached him. It lay down next to him, snuggling up close for warmth.

He sighed, and lay his tail upon it.

"I will call you... human."

He thought to himself, and realised he was purring.

Merry Christmas everyone!